About Amalan Mahendran
I am a PhD student at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology working on “New methods of experimental design for subsampling under big data” and expecting to graduate in 2024.
I completed my Bachelor of Science (Statistics Special) on the subjects Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
I am interested in applying statistical methods efficiently and effectively through the R statistical programming language. Conducting complex computations, writing reports and publishing them through R is my special skill over 7 years of experience. Yes, I am proficient in R related tools base, tidyverse, Rshiny, golem, bookdown, rmarkdown and quarto.
I have developed the below listed R packages and Shiny apps:
- fitODBOD and fitODBODRshiny: Modeling Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data Using BMD and ABD
- OlympicRshiny: ‘Shiny’ Application for Olympic Data
- SLPresElection: Presidential Election Data of “Sri Lanka” from 1982 to 2015.
- SouthParkRshiny: Script data and rating and votes data for the tv show “SouthPark” was web scraped until season 26 is stored as data and an Rshiny application.
On this website, I offer a glimpse into my vast body of knowledge, ongoing research, publications, conference posters and my interests. If you are interested in my work and have any questions or would like to discuss do not hesitate to contact me